Saturday, 11 January 2014

Winter Sun - 11th Jan

AR1944 is one the largest sunspots of this solar cycle, and was responsible for a large CME a few days ago that brought impressive aurora displays in the arctic. It was hoped that the storm would be powerful enough to produce more southerly displays of the northern lights, but sadly this wasn't to be. Never the less, the sunspot is pretty impressive on it's own.

This is the first solar image I've taken for over a year and it was tricky to remember what settings I normally use, and how I usually process the final images.

This was a stack of 20 images taken at ISO 200, 1/2000, f8, through Baader solar film using my trusty Nikon D300 with 300mm telephoto and 1.4 converter, giving a total focal length of 420mm.

Images stacked in Registax 6 and processed in Photoshop CS2.